Fig 1: clinical picture
A 52-year-old man consulted for a scapular nodule. Clinical examination revealed a flesh-coloured nodule (Fig 1)

Fig 2 dotted vessels
Polarizing dermoscopy with a slight pressure revealed dotted vessels (Fig 2)

This lesion was excised and pathology revealed a clear cell hidradenoma.

Fig 3 whitish areas

Fig 4 whitish areas
Dermoscopy with a louder pressure revealed whitish areas (Fig 3 and 4).
This lesion was excised and pathology revealed a clear cell hidradenoma.
Clear cell hidradenomas are usually benign intradermal tumors and represent 95% of all hidradenomas. These tumors have a slow growth and sometimes can be ulcerated. Theay have to be surgically excised because of a high risk of recurrence and a potential of malignant evolution.
Y. Yoshida and al. reported dermoscopic features of a clear cell hidradenoma (Y. Yoshida and al. Dermatology 2008;217: 250-251).
They found in their case whitish areas, reddish purple areas, and some linear or hairpin vessels on the surface of the tumour. Reddish purple areas were corresponding to cystic spaces with hemorrhage.